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Wang Wanzheng, secretary of Nanchang High-tech Zone, investigated the development of Ruiji biological enterprises

Clicks: 1753Published time: 2023-04-06 12:59:25

On the morning of April 4, Wang Wanzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee and secretary of the District Party Working Committee, came to Jiangxi Ruiji Biological Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. to investigate the development of enterprises and actively help enterprises solve development problems。

Ruiji Bio is a national high-tech enterprise committed to the research and application of biomaterials, regenerative medicine and life and health. It produces amniotic membrane series products with modern bioengineering technology, and is a landmark enterprise in the production of biological amniotic membrane in the world。Into Ruiji biological production line, exhibition hall, Wang Wanzheng field understanding of enterprise development, product types, research and development investment, and the person in charge of the enterprise conducted in-depth exchanges。

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At the symposium,

 Secretary Wang Wanzheng listened to our enterprise development report in detail and learned that we are planning to build a world-leading tissue bank demonstration base for the acquisition, research, preparation, sales and clinical application of biological materials in the high-tech zone. Secretary Wang Wanzheng affirmed and coordinated on-site to help solve practical problems。He stressed that the industrial technology content of Ruiji Biological focus is high, the development prospects of the segmented fields are broad, and the advanced technical level is available。The high-tech zone will thoroughly implement the "three ones" working method,Close to the needs of enterprises,Actively provide full life cycle services for enterprises;To set up a special class for the development of enterprises,Ensure the elements of enterprise development,Provide policy support to enterprises,We will effectively implement all pro-business policies,Actively help Ruizi Biological to win the support of provincial and municipal authorities,Formulate an action plan for building consortiums of the same kind,Jointly promote the construction of Ruiji Bio-health Demonstration Base,Solve the problems in technology research and development and collaborative innovation of enterprises,Help enterprises to transform, upgrade and develop。

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Yang Lei, the fourth-level researcher of the Management Committee, is mainly responsible for the office, the Bureau of Science and Economy, and the Investment Promotion Bureau to participate in the research。

                                                               The article is from ----- Nanchang High-tech Zone

Jiangxi Ruiji Biological Engineering Technology Co., LTD

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